地点:香港特别行政区九龙塘达之路香港城市大学刘鸣炜学术楼 学术楼19层Senate Room
一、Electron Microscopy in Materials Physics 材料物理电子显微学
二、Advanced Instrumentation 先进仪器设备
三、Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy 电子能量损失谱
一、Imaging Soft Matter by Electron Microscopy软物质电子显微成像术
二、Ultrafast Imaging超快成像技术
三、Quantum Electron Microscopy 量子电子显微学
City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Futian Research Institute
Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study,City University of Hong Kong
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,City University of Hong Kong
City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute
Prof. Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski at the Research Centre Juelich
Prof. Wolfgang Jäger at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
陈福荣教授 香港城市大学
Prof. Fu-Rong Chen at the City University of Hong Kong
钟虓䶮教授 香港城市大学
Prof. Xiaoyan Zhong at the City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Knut Urban (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Wolf Prize/ Kavli Prize Laureate)
Topic: Precision measurements of atomic positions and displacements in aberration-corrected conventional transmission electron microscopy (CTEM)
Prof. Wolfgang Jäger (Kiel University)
Topic: Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy for the Development of High-Efficiency Solar Cells
朱叶教授 香港理工大学
Prof. Ye Zhu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Topic: Resolving exotic structure and polar ordering using advanced STEM
Prof. Philipp Pelz (Friedrich Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Topic: TBD
Prof. Maximilian Haider (CEOS Company, Wolf Prize/ Kavli Prize Laureate)
Topic: Prospects of future instrumental developments for advanced electron
韩晓东教授 南方科技大学
Prof. Xiaodong Han (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Topic: Developing Atomic Resolved Mechanical Testing System and Measuring Grain/Twin Boundary Plasticity at Atomic Level
唐文新教授 重庆大学
Prof. Wenxin Tang (ChongQing University)
Topic: Tailoring two dimensional materials in LEEM
王竹君教授 上海科技大学
Prof. Zhu-Jun Wang (ShanghaiTech University)
Topic: Observing while it happens: CVD growth of graphene inside a scanning electron microscope
Dr. Maarten Wirix (Thermo Fisher Scientific Co.)
Topic: Spectra for sample integrity, custom automation and field free imaging
Dr. Takeo Sasaki (JEOL Co.)
Topic: New features of 300 kV aberration-corrected TEM/STEM and applications for materials science
Prof. Ondrej Krivanek (Arizona State University & Nion Co., Kavli Prize Laureate)
Topic: Exploring Matter at the Nanoscale by STEM Imaging and Spectroscopy
周武教授 中国科学院大学
Prof. Wu Zhou (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Topic: Single-atom microscopy and spectroscopy for 2D materials
闫星旭博士 加州大学尔湾分校
Dr. Xingxu Yan (UC Irvine)
Topic: Probing Nanoscale and Atomic-Level Exotic Vibrational Modes and Phonon Dynamics using Monochromated Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy
Dr. Benedikt Haas (Humboldt University Berlin )
Prof. Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski (Forschungszentrum Jülich )
Topic: Progress, prospects and challenges for in situ transmission electron microscopy of electrical and magnetic switching processes in functional materials and nanoscale devices
钟虓䶮教授 香港城市大学
Prof. Xiaoyan Zhong (City University of Hong Kong)
Topic: Progress, prospects and challenges for achromatic imaging of electron energy loss spectroscopy赵炯教授 香港理工大学
Prof. Jiong Zhao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University )
Topic: In situ transmission electron microscopy on two-dimensional ferroic chalcogenides
Dr. See Wee Chee (Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck Society)
Topic: Understanding Electrocatalyst Re-structuring during Reaction with Electrochemical Cell Transmission Electron Microscop
隋曼龄教授 北京工业大学
Prof. Manling Sui (Beijing University of Technology)
Topic: In situ electron microscopy for electron radiolysis effect and dose dependence of functional metal oxides
洪仕伟教授 香港城市大学
Prof. Shih-Wei Hung (City University of Hong Kong)
Topic: Accurate Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Atomic Dynamics of Morié Materials
Prof. Angus Kirkland (Oxford University)
Topic: Making every electron count – Ptychography at low dose
陈福荣教授 香港城市大学
Prof. Fu-Rong Chen (City University of Hong Kong)
Topic: Atomic Resolution 3D Dynamics of Helix Materials: Present and Future
Dr. Petra Specht (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Topic: Applied low current microscopy
Prof. Ute Kaiser (Ulm University)
Topic: From functionalizing inorganic two-dimensional materials on the level of single atoms towards molecular imaging of organic two-dimensional materials
王培毅教授 南方科技大学
Prof. Peiyi Wang (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Topic: The Principal of Aberration Corrected 300 kV Cryo-EM and Its Application to Thick Specimens in Biology
倪涛教授 香港大学
Prof. Tao Ni (University of Hong Kong)
Topic: Cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging for high-resolution structure determination of macromolecules
时西航博士 以色列理工学院
Dr. Xihang SHI (Israel Institute of Technology)
Topic: Tunable X-ray Radiation from Quantum Free-electron Radiation
Dr. Murat Sivis (Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences and University of Gottingen)
Topic: Mapping and controlling of optical near fields in an ultrafast transmission electron microscope
Dr. Roy Shiloh (Hebrew University)
Topic: Nanophotonic electron accelerators towards electron microscopy
付学文教授 南开大学
Prof. Xuewen Fu (Nankai University)
Topic: 4D electron microscopy and its applications in non-equilibrium dynamics
Prof. Sascha Schäfer (Oldenburg University)
Topic: Instrumental developments in ultrafast transmission electron microscopyProf. Pieter Kruit (Delft University of Technology)
Topic: Contrast formation in Quantum Electron Microscopy
Prof. Hiroshi Okamoto (Akita Prefectural University, Japan)
Topic: Entanglement-Enhanced Electron Microscopy and Its Generalizations
薛又峻教授 香港城市大学
Prof. Yu-Chun Hsueh (City University of Hong Kong)
Topic: Quantum Resonator in A Time-resolved Electron Microscope
Prof. Vincenzo Grillo (National Research Council (Italy))
Topic: A few “quantum” and spooky ideas and experiments in electron microscopy
Dr. Christian Kisielowski (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA )
Topic: Probing Dynamic Responses of Nano-Materials at the Boundary between Classical and Quantum Mechanics detecting Coherent-Inelastic Electron Self-interferences
香港特别行政区九龙塘达之路香港城市大学刘鸣炜学术楼 学术楼19层Senate Room
深圳市福田区福保街道槟榔道3号深港国际科技园 A栋1楼报告厅
收录于合集 #研究院动态